Copyright remains with the individual author/artist. Their permission must therefore be obtained before any work within this zine may be used elsewhere.
LEttErs by LouisE NorliE
Baron dE RobErt's Building by BrEnt PowErs
Vs by David Oprava rEviEwEd by David McLEan
BodiEs and BuckEts by David McLEan
AftEr thE handcuffEd trEE by Nicholas AlExandEr HayEs
ExEunt by MichaEl LoughrEy
MEssalina's MonkEy by GracE AndrEacchi
AngEl's DrEam by NElly SanchEz
ObstinatE HEdonist by DElphinE LEcomptE
TuEsday Morning Coming Down by BrEnton Rossow
E-pistophilia by Carl MEow, Esq
In CharactEr by GEnna Gardini
UndErnEath thE MErmaid Act by JuliEt Cook
from NEarly NakEd by BEndi BarrEtt
Horrific ConfEction by JuliEt Cook rEviEwEd by RachEl KEndall
EvidEncE of OnlinE Lalophilia by B DrEw ColliEr
At thE MusEum by Gail Gray
As Always EvEr by JunE Nandy
Captain AM and BlanchE thE SnakE by Jan RylEwicz
Oral Addiction by Bambi BarkEr
voyEurism by pEtEr schwartz
DEad Boys Don't TEll by Alan KElly
Q.Q.'s BarbErshop by MichaEl FrissorE
ThE OthEr SuitcasE by Jonathan Woods
SEcrEt Bits and SEcrEt Hiding PlacEs by Tantra BEnsko
Boys Flying LikE BEEs by W C BambErgEr
SchlEsischEs Tor by TylEr Millisaw
Rifts by Nicholas AlExandEr HayEs
Sports Cooking for AthlEtEs by REbEcca Hunt
C'Mon To GEt Ya! by Randy Thurman
I Lost Proof by RichEy PiiparinEn
WhEn Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot by RobErt LEvin rEviEwEd by RachEl KEndall
Our Days Forward by AlEx DElEusE
Ecstasy by NoEl Sloboda
ThE Things You'll Find by NEddal Ayad