Paul David Adkins lives in New York and works as a counselor.

Allen Ashley's latest publication is the book "Dreaming Spheres: Poems of the Solar System", written with Sarah Doyle and published by PS Publishing's Stanza imprint.

Tantra Bensko teaches fiction writing with UCLA X Writing Program, Writers College, and her own academy. She edits manuscripts as well. Her next book is a Slipstream novella from ELJ. Her narratives appear in a couple hundred magazines and anthologies, including Women Write the Weird I and II, Surreal South 09, Holdfast, and Strange Little Girls. She lives in Berkeley. http://lucidmembrane.weebly.com/

Gary Budgen grew up and still lives in London, UK. As well as stories in Sein und Werden he has had fiction published in anthologies such as Where are We Going?; The Urban Green Man anthology; and Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors . He has also been published in magazines like Interzone, Dark Horizons, Ethereal Tales, Morpheus Tales, M-Brane SF, and Theaker's Quarterly. Recent stories can be found in After the Fall and Breaking the Rules, both from Boo Books; the Alchemy Book of Pulp Heroes 3 and Fugue from the Siren. He has an MA in Creative Writing from Middlesex University and is a member of London Clockhouse Writers. He can be found at: https://garybudgen.wordpress.com/

Clockhouse London Writers was formed in October 2012 by Allen Ashley. Clockhouse London Writers is an advanced writing group dedicated to writing short fiction within the broad science fiction / fantasy / horror / slipstream fields. The group - collectively or individually - have collected a huge number of publishing credits since its formation. Check out: https://clockhouselondonwriters.wordpress.com/ Please address any membership enquiries to Allen at clockhouselondonwriters@hotmail.co.uk

Robert Cole's writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Dreginald, Erbacce, Tarpaulin Sky, Menacing Hedge, THIS Literary Magazine, Thirteen Myna Birds, Sein und Werden and elsewhere. A collaborative chapbook with Juliet Cook will be published soon through Hyacinth Girl Press. He currently lives and works in Oklahoma City.

B. Drew Collier dreams of sky-flung monoliths dripping with green ooze and sinister with latent horror, and from some undetermined point below comes a voice that is not a voice but a chaotic sensation, which only madness can transmute into sound.

Norman Conquest is a writer and visual artist based in northern California. He is the editor & publisher of Black Scat Books (BlackScatBooks.com).

Juliet Cook is a grotesque glitter witch medusa hybrid brimming with black, grey, silver and purple explosions. Her poetry has appeared in a peculiar multitude of literary publications, most recently including Arsenic Lobster, Diode, ILK Journal, Menacing Hedge, and Tarpaulin Sky. You can find out more at http://julietcook.weebly.com/

Martin David Edwards lives in London. He likes to write stories with quirky characters and themes. His work has previously been published in Psychopomp, Bento Box, the Metric, Streetcake, Storyboard and Winamop magazines, and in the anthology "Allusions of Innocence" by Solarwyrm Press. Martin is also a photographer and has exhibited his work in shows in London and New York. His web site is http://www.storiesbymartin.com/

Operating within the periphery of the Oupeinpo,
Helen Frank uses constraint based drawing to investigate the impossibility of repetition; space and time; wrong turns, and evolution.

Daniel W. Galef was born and raised at some point in the previous millennium in Oxford, Mississippi, and is currently studying at McGill University in Montreal, where he has been assigned a top secret mission by Stephen Leacock to get his name into all fifty-seven of the campus publications. He writes a lot, but he also does other things sometimes, too. Do not trust him.

Suzanne Grazyna has had poems in Sein Und Werden's Theatrum Diabolorum and Sein, Cos, Tan issues. She also has a poem included in the upcoming Absinthe Anthology from Hyacinth Girl Press. Her chapbook flight was published by dancing girl press and she is currently working on a new chapbook, For the dead travel fast. She is a Shakespearean actor in California.

Apart from teaching electrical installation at a college, playing harmonica, running theEXAGGERATEDpress editing Wordland LINKand acting, Directing and set-building for the Knebworth Amateur Theatrical Society,
Terry Grimwood likes to tell a tall story or two. His work is due to appear in, among others, the forthcoming "Sensorama", "PunkPunk" and "Mammoth Book of Tales from the Vatican Vaults" anthologies.

j/j hastain is a collaborator, writer and maker of things. j/j performs ceremonial gore. Chasing and courting the animate and potentially enlivening decay that exists between seer and singer, j/j, simply, hopes to make the god/dess of stone moan and nod deeply through the waxing and waning seasons of the moon. j/j hastain is the inventor of The Mystical Sentence Projects and is author of several cross-genre books including the trans-genre book libertine monk (Scrambler Press), The Non-Novels (forthcoming, Spuyten Duyvil) and The Xyr Trilogy: a Metaphysical Romance of Experimental Realisms. j/j's writing has most recently appeared in Caketrain, Trickhouse, The Collagist, Housefire, Bombay Gin, Aufgabe and Tarpaulin Sky.

Mark Hastings spent the first 2 years of his working life as a librarian at an intellectual newspaper where headlines included the classic 'Aliens turned my son into a fish finger' and has now spent the last 20 years as a University serials librarian dealing with Parking News, Knitting International and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  These are all journal titles, not personal afflictions.

Martin Heavisides
The Linnet's Wings: essays, scholarly intros, 1 full length play. Living Theatre, 1 live playreading. Crossing Chaos Press, 1 novel. Frigg, Mad Hatter's Review, JoCC, Dog Oil Press et al: fiction, poetry, CNF, autofantasy, unclassifiable specimens.

V. Sarada Holt is an artist, musician, fashion designer and former newspaper editor, currently residing in Houston, Texas. Check out her artwork here: www.etsy.com/shop/ArtBySarada

Rick Hutchinson was born 1960 in, and still resides at, Baraboo, Wisconsin. It was there at the age of 11 he found his passion for painting when his art teacher gave him a tin of watercolors. Even then Rick drew inspiration from the corridors of the subconscious, his first painting was composed of purple & brown dogs floating over a primordial landscape. Today, even after venturing through various upper academic institutions, Rick still relies on the mind's inner realm to provide images for the worlds he creates with Acrylics on wood panel. Rick has artwork in collections throughout North America, the United Kingdom and Russia. More of Rick's work may be viewed at https://www.flickr.com/photos/rick_hutchinson/

Steve Kane
KANE 13:27. Born in 1752 on the shores of the Sea of Tranquillity.
A precocious child, he studied Enochian at Gehenna, invented Sycamore leaves and disproved the concept of time. He can be found sipping a Vodka in numerous darkened bars where he'll tell you the secrets of Trilobites.
Kane 13:27 is currently writing and illustrating the personally apocalyptic book 'Go-Go dancers and Fallen Angels

Rachel Kendall edits chiefly, parents singly, works bookishly and writes when-she-can-shly.

Matthew Konkel is a teaching-artist, playwright and independent filmmaker. His latest film is titled Neptune (www.lasthouseproductions.com). You can find his fiction and poetry at the Newer York, Paragraph Planet, Postcard Shorts, Linguistic Erosion, The Eunoia Review, Danse Macabre and Streetcake Magazine. His plays have been produced nationally and internationally by theater companies including Edmonds Driftwood Players, Pink Banana Theatre, Cupcake Lady Productions and Screaming Media Gi60. His short play Walk, Don't Walk is published by Pennster Media. www.matthewkonkel.com

Michael Prihoda was born and raised in rural Wisconsin. He currently attends university and writes poems and stories. He loves nature, animal crackers, and falling asleep.

Rachel Rodman is a science and fiction writer.

Jason E. Rolfe (20 October 1854 - 28 October 1905) was a French writer and humorist born in Honfleur, Calvados. He was the author of many collections of whimsical writings. A poet as much as a humorist, he cultivated the verse form known as holorhyme…oh wait, that's Alphonse Allais. This bio is for who? Jason E. Rolfe? I have no idea who that is.

For around ten years, Nelly Sanchez has been making cut-outs. She has been published in journals such as Mung Being, Temporel... She has also participed in exhibitions : in 2012, at Paris -"Femmes/Hommes. Stéréotypes à l'oeuvre", galerie ABB (Belleville, Paris)-, in 2013, at Pézenas (Hérault, France) and in 2014 at Mestre (Italia) - "Quand saro più grande", La Casa della Renna- and Dieppe (Seine-Maritime, France). She has also illustrated writings like La Falaise était nue (Bernard Baritaud). Her artwork can be seen at www.artmajeur.com/fr/art-gallery/nelly-sanchez/208516

Carol Shillibeer lives on the west coast of Canada. You can find her at carolshillibeer.com/

Lynn Schiffhorst earned a Master's Degree in English from New York University, and a Master's Degree in Counseling from the University of Central Florida. She has been a college English instructor and is now a retired mental health counselor.

Rachel Smith, artist and educator, lives and works in Sheffield. She is currently researching a Fine Art PhD Drawing out Language, at Sheffield Hallam University. Her work sits between conceptual writing and art. The processes of drawing language, writing sound, and reading as image production are used to explore our fragmentary experience of communication. Recently she has exhibited art in the Regulate exhibition and worked as Documenter in Residence for the Wrought performance festival in Sheffield . For more information see her blog: http://www.rachelartsmith.blogspot.co.uk/

Star Spider is a writer from Toronto, Canada where she lives and works with her awesome husband Ben Badger. Star is currently in the process of seeking publication for her novels while she continues to write, play and frolic on the beach.  Her work can be found in Klipspringer Magazine, Close to the Bone, Black Treacle, ExFic, Lantern Magazine and Grim Corps.  She was recently long listed for both the 2014 CBC Creative Nonfiction Prize and the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest.  She was a 2013 winner of the Fringe Contest at Eden Mills Writer's Festival as well as winning an honourable mention in the Friends of Merril Short Story Contest 2014. http://starspider.ca/

Two-time Pushcart Prize and Kentucky Poet Laureate nominee,
Sheri L. Wright is the author of six books of poetry, including the most recent, The Feast of Erasure. Wright's visual work has appeared in numerous journals, including Blood Orange Review, Prick of the Spindle, Blood Lotus Journal and Subliminal Interiors. In 2012, Ms. Wright was a contributer to the Sister Cities Project Lvlds: Creatively Linking Leeds and Louisville. Her photography has been shown across the Ohio Valley region and abroad. Currently, she is working on her first documentary film, Tracking Fire.

Lisa Zaran is an American poet and the author of seven poetry collections including "If It We" (Lummox Press), "The Blondes Lay Content" and "the sometimes girl".  Zaran is also the founder and editor of Contemporary American Voices, an online poetry journal.  Current endeavors include publishing an anthology of poetry on addiction titled "The Whole Desolate Day" currently accepting submissions at littlelarkpress.wordpress.com/ as well as compiling a collection of letters to her muse.  She lives and writes in Arizona.