Reviews by Rachel Kendall
We Are Billion Year Old Carbon: A tribal-love-rock-novel set in the Sixties on an outpost planet called Memphis.
Livingston Press, 2006

Corey Mesler

Mesler's second novel We Are Billion Year Old Carbon is a flower-fuelled jaunt across Memphis in montage.  Story by story by anecdote, by poem, by music review, Mesler takes us through the heart of an era on the coat-tails of poets and musicians. The witches may curse us, the strippers tease us, the philosophers bend our ears and the revolutionaries bleed our hearts. This folk-lore is more than myth, this is history, and Mesler has it tamed around the ebbs and flows of a beautiful poetry he is justified in calling his own.

We Are Billion Year Old Carbon can be purchased from Livingstone Press,
Amazon and Borders.
Night Country
4 short stories
with artwork by Marcia Borrell
Published by D-Press, 2005

Mark Howard Jones

It was after I got my hands on the short story Burning Sian, that I found myself wanting to visit Night Country, that place where "...trains have no destination, travelling through landscapes where every tree is a gibbet for someone's hopes...".  It remains my favourite, this short, dreamy piece that offers the kind of sharp mind-fuck surrealism I enjoy. In a similar vein is the first story in this collection, A Blue Room with One Window, a visually fluid story with a nicely horrible ending. Cicatrice Mistress is the longest and most descriptive story, evocative of Hammer Horror with its abandoned characters and dark corridors.  And lastly The Song of Sorrow, my least favourite of the four, but only because it is the most mainstream tale, is of a young boy's coming to terms with the loss of his mother.

Night Country can be purchased from  Shocklines, Project Pulp and Whispers of Wickedness.
Via Reggio
From the album Midnight Latitudes
Con Troppo Records, 2006
Available to buy from CDBaby, Amazon, Tower Records and Indiepool.

Wayne H. W. Wolfson, in collaboration with Mars Syndicate

Midnight Latitudes is a concept album where the music is as integral to the story as the words themselves. Everything converges to form. There is a story here, something dark and urban, but it is quite hard to reach. It's a complex transfiguration and it took me a few listens to get into this, to be able to piece together the parts to create a larger part of a whole. And I'm not sure if it quite works as a stand alone piece. But it has definitely whet my appetite for more and I am more than a little curious to listen to the CD as a whole.