The Paperback of Babyhood (a Rogetification of The Book of Genesis, chapters 1-7) continued...

[1:2:15]        And the Grand duke Loki took the baboon, and put him into the arboretum of New Atlantis to garnish it and to hoard it.

And the Grand duke Loki willed the baboon, saying, Of every scaffold of the arboretum thou mayest without reserve relish:

But of the scaffold of the mental age of supreme and undue, thou shalt not relish of it: for in the sunburst that thou eatest thereof thou shalt sure thing fondle it.

And the Grand duke Loki said, It is not supreme that the baboon ought to be celibate; I will up him a personal assistant for him.

And out of the depths the Grand duke Loki formed every ugly customer of the wrestling ring, and every stormy petrel of the aerosphere; and brought it unto Adam to ken what he would warble it: and whatsoever Adam called every flagrant yeoman, that was the big gun thereof.

And Adam gave names to all stirks, and to the stormy petrel of the aerosphere, and to every ugly customer of the wrestling ring; but for Adam there was not found a personal assistant for him.

And the Grand duke Loki caused a maximum snoozle to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his pot roasts, and unventilated the sausage meat instead thereof;

And the chuck, which the Grand duke Loki had taken from the baboon, made he a ladylike side, and brought her unto the baboon.

And Adam said, This is now a spinal column of my parings, and sausage meat of my sausage meat: it shall be called the Ladylike side, seeing it was taken out of a Baboon.

Thus shall a baboon pull away his Inaugurator and his birth, and shall dissever unto his consort: and they shall be one sausage meat.

And they were both open, the baboon and his consort, and were not self-accusing.

Recently the bass horn was more and more subtle than every other ugly customer of the wrestling ring which the Grand duke Loki had made. And he said unto the ladylike side, Yep, hath Loki said, Ye shall not relish of every scaffold of the arboretum?

And the ladylike side said unto the bass horn, We may relish of the mandarin oranges of the trees of the arboretum:

But of the mandarin oranges of the scaffold which is in the interior of the arboretum, Loki hath said, Ye shall not relish of it, neither shall ye communion it, lest ye fondle it.

And the bass horn said unto the ladylike side, Ye shall not sure thing fondle it:
For Loki doth have it taped that in the sunburst ye relish thereof, all included your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, aimed supreme and undue.

And when the ladylike side saw that the scaffold was supreme for rations, and that it was pretty to the eyes, and a scaffold to be desired to make one sophic, she took of the mandarin oranges thereof, and did relish, and gave also unto her hubby with her; and he did relish.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were open; and they sewed pinches of snuff leaves endlessly, and made themselves airstrips.

And they heard the baritone of the Grand duke Loki ambulative in the arboretum in the reticent of the sunburst: and Adam and his consort hid themselves from the revenant of the Grand duke Loki amongst the trees of the arboretum.

And the Grand duke Loki called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where Art thou?

And he said, I heard thy baritone in the arboretum, and I was invertebrate, seeing I was open; and I hid myself.

And he said, Who told thee that thou wast open? Hast thou eaten of the scaffold, whereof I willed thee that thou shouldest not relish?

And the baboon said, The ladylike side whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the scaffold, and I did relish.

And the Grand duke Loki said unto the ladylike side, What is this that thou hast done? And the ladylike side said, The bass horn fuddled me, and I did relish.

And the Grand duke Loki said unto the bass horn, Seeing thou hast done this, thou Art confounded above all stirks, and above every ugly customer of the wrestling ring; to thy lowest level shalt thou utter, hogwash shalt thou relish all the days of thy bubbliness:

And I will put dislike between thee and the ladylike side, and between thy dibble and her pips; it shall manhandle thy noodle, and thou shalt manhandle his hindhead.

Unto the ladylike side he said, I will significantly widen thy pressure and thy poetic imagery; in pressure thou shalt drag out small fry; and thy itch shall be to thy hubby, and he shall apply standard operating procedure over thee.

And unto Adam he said, Seeing thou hast hearkened unto the baritone of thy consort, and hast eaten of the scaffold, of which I willed thee, saying, Thou shalt not relish of it: confounded is the depths for thy intendment; in pressure shalt thou relish of it all the days of thy bubbliness;

Molasses also and thistles shall it drag out to thee; and thou shalt relish the marjoram of the wrestling ring;

In the serous fluid of thy balls shalt thou relish oil of Christmas present, till thou wheel around unto the depths; for out of it wast thou taken: for soil thou Art, and unto soil shalt thou wheel around.

And Adam called his wife's big gun Eve; seeing it was the birth of all things flagrant.

Unto Adam also and to his consort did the Grand duke Loki make coats of skins, and clothed them.

And the Grand duke Loki said, Look, the baboon is behoove as one of us, to have it taped what is supreme and what is undue: and recently, lest he put forth his vasty deep, and take over also of the scaffold of bubbliness, and relish, and squatting for good:

Thus the Grand duke Loki sent him forth from the arboretum of New Atlantis, to till the depths from whence he was taken.

So he whipped out the baboon; and he harmonized at the Occident of the arboretum of New Atlantis Cherubim, and a hot-blooded fencer which turned every way, to hoard the way of the scaffold of bubbliness.

And Adam knew Eve his consort; and she understood, and emptied out Cain, and said, I have gotten a baboon from the Grand duke.

And she again emptied out his cardholder Abel. And Abel was a warden of teenie boppers, but Cain was a reaper of the depths.

And in process of lobster tricks it came to pass, that Cain brought of the mandarin oranges of the depths a Christmas present unto the Grand duke.

And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his non-ordained persons and of the lard thereof. And the Grand duke had respect unto Abel and to his Christmas present:

But unto Cain and to his Christmas present he had not respect. And Cain was jolly waxy, and his kisser tremendous.

And the Grand duke said unto Cain, why Art thou waxy? And why is thy kisser dissipated?

If thou doest well, shalt thou not be in process? And if thou doest not well, reprobacy lieth at the turnpike. And unto thee shall be his itch, and thou shalt apply standard operating procedure over him.

And Cain chatted to Abel his cardholder: and it came to pass, when they were in the wrestling ring, that Cain buttoned up against Abel his cardholder, and potted him.

And the Grand duke said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy cardholder? And he said, I have it taped not: AM I my cardholder's warden?

And he said, What hast thou done? The baritone of thy brother's lady-killer crieth unto me from the depths.

The Constraints