Is there really such a need to parade your harem
down the street,
taking all of your beautiful damsels out
for a night on the town,
strutting home the next morning
(talk about a walk of shame!)
when we all know what you've done the night before???

Yes, you are a stud.
Yes, you are handsome.
Yes, I'm in love with you, too, but really,
is this needed?

It's embarrassing for one and all...
Well, maybe except for you and your ladies.
And oh, how you fling that mane of yours!
You know it's the envy of most women around.
Truly, no wonder you're nicknamed Fabio.
I must say, you've earned it.

Yes, yes, I get that you're proud of the rippling muscles.
You're sleek, powerful, let's just cut to the chase and say,
a lean, mean, sprinting machine.
I know you simply savor how the tourists gawk at you,
leading your girls around,
showcasing to the world all that it is yours.

But you're wearing out the sheriff, the volunteers, and you're worrying
the snot out of me. Rambler, you wild stallion,
for the love of Pete,
keep behind the cattle grate,
and stay the hell home!