If I were you I'd   wait a minute
The odds are very high I am   it may be a tarnished
Mirror giving back no clear image even as to gender
It may be a trick mirror distorting features in improbable and humourous ways
It may be a moving mirror but that's my reflection no other
No one behind me, certainly not you
Worlds within the mirror probably including you
A trick of the light if not of the sound as well
What is the sound of one mirror speeding
In revolutions round a sun
Like a gleaming disc magnifying distant light
Tarnished without, overbright within
The frame as reflective almost as the surface
If I were you I'd make the best I can of this knowledge
Plan for unexpected jolts and visitations
A world in my mirror, myself (you) alone on its outside looking in 
Not at all sure we know what to make of all this

Yes! nations, each with their own constitutions
If I were them I'd deal fairly with every citizen
They constitute and govern   fat chance of that!
If I were the League of Nations   this is an old mirror
I'd certainly make some radical changes to governance in the modern world
Much as it appears I haven't
If I were you I'd constitute a life and a world
Full of nothing but fairness and opportunity
Didn't think of that did you? with not a single Cayman Islands account
Or unjust war or starving family anywhere 
That's what I'd advise myself to do

Profligate and spendthrift at the upper reaches of the mirror
Desolate destitute and worse at the grim, tarnished bottom
Everywhere my best possibilities unrealized
What kind of world is that you've made for yourself?
If I were you and if the mirror would stop
Long enough to make appropriate adjustments. . .

No end to the problems I'd solve
In a flash or a jiggy or a nanosecond if that's not overreaching
If I were you and there'd be plenty more where that came from 
Martin Heavisides